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JOHN DEERE 408R SELF PROPELLED SPRAYER, 2024, 280hp, 6.8 liter, 6 cylinder turbo diesel engine, full time 4 wheel drive with traction control, dual range hydrostatic drive, 20mph field, 30 mph transport, CommandView III cab, HVAC, ultimate comfort and convenience package, auto temp control, Active II leather air suspension seat, premium AM/FM radio, refrigerator, Cat 1 cab filtration system, JDLink 4G MTG, ultimate visibility LED field lighting, LED beacon lights, back-up camera, Gen 4, 4600 command center Greenstar 10″ color display, NO OTHER MONITOR IS INCLUDED, Command center Automation 4.0 activations for auto trac steering, section control, Row-Sense, Data Sync, data share & AutoPath, LESS see & spray, includes integrated JD Starfire 7000 global position receiver SF-RTK ready (+/- 1″ horizontal accuracy requires subscription), 800 gallon stainless tank, 3″ left side quick fill, LESS front fill, 90′ steel boom, 1″ stainless plumbing, 15″ on-center spacing, LESS nozzle control, 71 five position nozzle bodies, 7 section boom control, manual solution control, stainless steel chemical eductor, fence row nozzles left & right, LESS foam markers, LESS radar, 2″X2″ standard flow solution pump, single flow meter, boom air purge, 5 sensor auto boom leveling, underframe crop shields, hydraulic tread spacing adjustment (120-160″), auto air spring chassis leveling, on board air compressor, row crop fenders, Firestone VF380/90R46 R-1 row crop tires. FULL JD FACTORY WARRANTY UNTIL 04-08-2025 OR 2000 HOURS. JD LIMITED “ENGINE ONLY” WARRANTY UNTIL 04-08-2026 OR 2000 HOURS.
Stock Number: 498997